Thursday, September 11, 2008

Crazed Chickens and more Adventures in Accra

OK so obviously I'm not very good at keeping up with this thing. Here are my updates from the past 4 days:

MONDAY: After I updated, I went to my leadership seminar where we had a very.... interesting conversation about women's roles in society. Let's just say that many Ghanaians and Africans are under the impression that 1) Women have too much freedom and should stay home after they have kids, and 2) Women in America are too free and "have wings". I have no idea what they mean by wings, but apparently it's a bad thing. One guy even said that women should be the submissive ones in a relationship. Let's just say the rest of the CIEE students were freaking out about that sexist comment. A girl in my program turned 21 on this day so we had a little party at the hostel with pizza and cake! Some people ended up taking her out to a bar to celebrate in true form, but we all had a ton of hw and reading to do so not as many people came.
TUESDAY: Twi, Philosophy, and Africa in the International Setting. All fun-ish classes. Not much happened that day, although my two critical response papers turned out a lot better. Blah... boring. We had no running water all day. That was a great time. Also, there was a group of us white kids walking back to the hostel from campus. We walk through prison guards' barracks where they stay with their families to get home. When we were walking home on Tuesday, a bunch of little kids started singing this song in Twi and following us. The only word we understood was obronis. OH! And later that night I was watching Friends episodes with some of the girls and we started hearing this chanting/singing thing that was really loud. I walk out on the balcony and realize it was the guys apt above us. I go upstairs to return the speakers I borrowed and started crying laughing b/c it was a group of about 6 guys sitting around a table singing at the top of their lungs this new R. Kelly song. Definitely not what I was expecting when I walked through the door.
WEDNESDAY: This was actually a good day. In my Leadership class, I was one out of 5 that got the highest grade on our test/quiz. I'm really excited b/c it means that we all go to our professor's house for lunch on Sunday where other faculty members will be!! She's sending her driver to our hostel to pick us up and everything. This same professor will be gone a few days in October b/c she was selected to be on the Africa panel at some UN thing. She's an expert on many social problems occurring in Ghana, especially when it comes to street children. I'm loving that class. After class, Gannett (a CIEE girl) and I went on an adventure to find the post office to mail our request forms for our absentee ballots. We ended up getting terribly lost so we had to take a cab and were able to successfully bargain!!! Afterwards we took a 20 minute walk back to campus in the blazing hot sun. Grosssss. I was excited b/c when I got back, we FINALLY had running water so I was able to take a shower. Rejoice!! Later that night a group of us found a NICER bar than our nasty one we went to for a couple of weeks. It's clean, the music is not blaring and obnoxious, and it's not swarming with Rastas and hookers. Yayy!!! We were able to just sit around, have a couple of drinks and bond.
THURSDAY: Went to Melting Moments today for breakfast with some of the girls and had my philosophy class. I'm missing my hot pink rainboots. It was really stormy outside when I woke up. Definitely one of those days that I just want to curl up in bed in my pj's with a good book. Unfortunately school gets in the way of that. Tomorrow is Music and Dance so that should be fun/embarrassing.

Fun little tidbits: I do not feel bad in the least bit for eating so much chicken. Those things are EVERYWHERE. For some reason I thought that roosters really only crowed when the sun rose and that was it. Not here. Those things don't shut up. I'm pretty sure one of my greatest fears here (besides being hit by a car and falling off my bunk bed) is being attacked by a crazed chicken. I want to start making bets as to a) who's going to be the first to kick one, and b) who's going to be the first to get bitten/pecked by one.
Also, I tried goat meat for the first time last night. Not bad. Very chewy. Sort of like deer meat. Oh and I'm horrible at cooking. I burnt myself when trying to fry french fries the other day. The oil splattered and it hurt like the dickens.
That's about all I can think of. Life here is pretty boring. Same as in the States, minus the fact that I have to take a malaria pill every day and it's consistently hot. If you have any questions about anything about Ghana, let me know!!
Love from Accra

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Your life doesn't sound boring to me, so far a great adventure! It is funny the things you miss when away from home. Hot water, steak and pink rubber boots!
